How To install Debian mate desktop on Android | No Root


welcome to my Blog, in today's article, we'd discuss how to install mate desktop on debian, the processes is quite simple and you should find the installation easy



vnc viewer


login to your debian terminal and update your repository, you can update your repository with the command

  • apt update

it is important to install sudo and nano editor on debian if not already Installed, to install the mentioned packages use the command:

  • apt install sudo nano

after that you can now proceed with the installation of mate desktop on the terminal, you can install mate desktop with the command

  • sudo apt-get install mate-desktop-environment -y

It's gonna take a while for the installation to be completed, After the Debian Desktop has been completely installed the next thing you're going to do is open a new terminal session and in the new "terminal 2" we're going to install vncserver and some other packages on Termux itself, the reason for doing this is because we want to connect to ubuntu Using a TCP protocol to avoid unnecessary disconnection while using Ubuntu, so on your termux terminal 2, type the command :

  • pkg update

then we install the x11-repo using the command:

  • pkg install x11-repo

the next thing you're going to do is install vncserver using the command

  • pkg install tigervnc xorg-xhost

you're going to be required to create a new password, create any 6ix digits password of your choice. After that we're going to launch vncserver using the command:

  • vncserver -geometry 1600x720 -listen tcp :1

then we disable access control using the command:

  • DISPLAY=:1 xhost +
After that switch back to your debian session "session 1" and connect debian to the TCP server using the command:
  • DISPLAY=:1 dbus-launch mate-session
now you can launch your vnc viewer application and connect using the localhost :1 
After connecting successfully you're going to realize that there's no browser installed by default, so we're going to manually install a web browser by ourselves, to install firefox web browser launch your terminal and use the command
  • sudo apt install firefox-esr 
The command above should successfully install a web browser on your phone, you can always easily access it through the internet option in the menu. You can now proceed to customizing your terminal to your own satisfaction.
This is how you setup a mate desktop on Android without root, it you have any questions please do let me know in the comments section below. Thanks for Your time

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