Supercharge Your Android: Install Ubuntu with GNOME Desktop [Step-by-Step Guide]


Welcome, readers! Are you eager to harness the power of Ubuntu with the GNOME desktop on your Android device? Look no further! In this article, we'll guide you through the straightforward process of installing Ubuntu with the GNOME desktop on your Android phone.

Get ready to unlock a whole new world of possibilities as we walk you through the step-by-step instructions. By the end of this article, you'll have a fully functional Ubuntu system running seamlessly alongside your Android OS.

So, without further ado, let's dive right into the installation process and embark on this exciting journey of transforming your Android device into a Linux powerhouse. Let's get started!



Installation Procedure

Update  termux repository and install wget with the command below ↓↓↓
pkg update ; pkg install wget

After that we move directly to the installation of ubuntu, below is a script that automatically install any distro for you in termux ↓↓↓

curl >>


 Copy and paste the command above on your terminal and hit enter, to know more about proot-installer, find out here

Once you paste in the command above, if you've given storage permission to Termux earlier you'd be prompted to reset it's storage. Type 'n' to discard the prompt.

After that you'd be directed to a page where your system Architecture will be displayed,

Note your system Architecture. As you're going to need to paste a link that matches your system aarch later in this Article.

Click Enter to move to the next page.

In this phase, you'd be prompted to enter a link matching your system Architecture, copy the link that rhymes with yours below. ↓↓↓

Paste your URL in this page




 Copy the URL aligning with your system Architecture and paste it on your terminal then hit the enter button on your keyboard. And you will be asked to enter a distro name, type ubuntu and click Enter and your download will begin immediately immediately.

Once the download and extraction is finished, edit the ubuntu login script .

Paste the command below after the /dev command

command+=" -b /dev/null:/proc/sys/kernel/cap_last_cap"

 Save and Exit the script with the Ctrl+ x command 

Login to Ubuntu with the command below


Update your terminal and install gnome and all dependency packages with the command below ↓↓↓

 apt update -y ; apt install gnome-shell gnome-terminal gnome-tweaks gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock dbus-x11 tigervnc-standalone-server gedit nano yaru-theme-gtk yaru-theme-icon yaru-theme-gnome-shell -y

Now edit a startup script for vnc do that with the command below

nano $HOME/.vnc/xstartup

Paste the script below in the startup window 



service dbus start

gnome-shell --x11

 Save and exit the script with  Ctrl + x on your keyboard.

Now give it executable permission with the command below.

chmod +x $HOME/.vnc/xstartup

 Now start vnc with the command below.


Note that you'd be required to Enter a password if you're using vnc for the first time, make sure you use a password you can easily remember. Login to the Nethunter Kex Application with that password and you're good to go.

Dock Command:

Make your dock look professional with the command below

gsettings set dock-position LEFT ;  gsettings set extend-height true

 I hope you enjoy your gnome experience on android, thanks for reading with us, I hope o see you in the next one, if you have any questions reach out to me in the comments section below, bye for now.

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