Transform Your Android: Install Debian with GNOME Desktop - A Step-by-Step Guide

 Welcome to our blog, where we explore the exciting world of Android customization! Are you ready to take your Android device to new heights? In this article, we'll guide you through the step-by-step process of installing Debian with the powerful GNOME desktop on your Android phone or tablet.

Imagine having the full-fledged Debian Linux experience right at your fingertips. With its stability, extensive software library, and sleek GNOME desktop environment, Debian opens up a whole new realm of possibilities for your Android device.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the installation process, from preparing your device to configuring the Debian + GNOME setup. We'll cover essential tips, recommended resources, and everything you need to know to ensure a successful installation.

Whether you're a Linux enthusiast, a tech-savvy user, or simply curious about exploring new horizons, this article is your gateway to an extraordinary Android transformation.

So, grab your Android device, and let's dive into the world of Debian and GNOME on Android. Get ready to unleash the power of open-source possibilities and elevate your Android experience like never before.

it is important to read the full article, also watch the video made on this Tutorial and be sure to subscribe to our blog for more exciting tech tutorials, guides, and tips to make the most out of your devices.



Installation Procedures:

After installing Termux, Update It's Packages with the command below ↓↓↓
pkg update 

Once Packages are updated, the next thing you do is install proot-distro, if not already installed, do that with the command below ↓↓↓ 

pkg install proot-distro 

After installing proot-distro, you can now proceed to Debian installation with the command,

proot-distro install debian

When you're done installing debian, you wouldn't login with the custom login method, we'd create a different method for our login, do that with the command below

echo "proot-distro login debian --bind /dev/null:/proc/sys/kernel/cap_last_cap" > $PREFIX/bin/debian ; chmod +x $PREFIX/bin/debian

 Once the command above has been entered, login to Debian everytime you need to use it, with the simple command below


 Now that you're logged in, update debian repos with the command below

apt update 

 After updating your repo, install gnome and it's dependency packages with the command,

apt install gnome-shell firefox-esr gnome-tweaks tigervnc-standalone-server dbus-x11 gedit gnome-shell-extension-dashtodock gnome-terminal -y

 Once that is installed, make a custom startup script for VNC server, with the command below ↓↓↓

mkdir ~/.vnc ; nano ~/.vnc/xstartup

A new window should pop-up now, paste the script below on that window ↓↓↓



service dbus start

gnome-shell --x11

Save the script and Exit the nano page with Ctrl +X on your keyboard 

Now give the nano script executable permission with the command below ↓↓↓

chmod +x ~/.vnc/xstartup

 Now you can now start VNC with the Command, below ↓↓↓ NOTE: That the command below should be entered everytime you want to connect with the VNC server.


 You can now open your Nethunter Application And connect just as displayed in the video, enjoy your Gnome Experience.


You can choose to make your Terminal logo look professional, by using the steps below
rm ~/.bashrc ;  cp /etc/skel/.bashrc ~

 Now you can enter the exit command and login again and your terminal default logo would have changed 

Customizing Linux bashrc


Read this Article to Fix sound On DEBIAN and alternatively you can watch the video below to see how it's done 

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