Unleashing Ubuntu: Transform Your Android with Budgie Desktop Magic!


Welcome to our blog, where we dive into the fascinating world of Android customization! In this article, we'll guide you step-by-step on how to install Ubuntu with the sleek and user-friendly Budgie desktop on your Android device. Get ready to elevate your Android experience to a whole new level! 📱💻

Ubuntu, one of the most popular Linux distributions, is known for its stability, security, and vast community support. Combined with the elegant Budgie desktop environment, you'll enjoy a seamless and intuitive interface right on your Android device. 🚀🌌

We'll walk you through the installation process, from preparing your device to configuring the necessary tools. Discover the power of Ubuntu's open-source ecosystem and the beauty of the Budgie desktop, all in the palm of your hand. 🌟✨

So, whether you're a Linux enthusiast, an Android power user, or simply curious about expanding the capabilities of your device, this article is for you. Join us on this exciting journey as we unlock the potential of Ubuntu with the Budgie desktop on Android. Let's get started! 💪🔥



Installation Procedures 

Update termux packages and install proot-distro with the command below ↓↓↓
pkg update ; pkg install proot-distro

 After that, install Ubuntu with the command below ↓↓↓

proot-distro install ubuntu

Once ubuntu is installed, login to ubuntu with the command below ↓↓↓
proot-distro login ubuntu 

Now that you're logged in to ubuntu, update your repository with the command below

apt update 

 Now that your repos are updated, we proceed to installing Budgie desktop and gnome-flashback, do that with the command below

apt install budgie-desktop dbus-x11 gnome-terminal gnome-session-flashback -y

 After that, make a custom vnc startup script for VNC, to do that use the command below ↓↓↓

mkdir ~/.vnc ; nano ~/.vnc/xstartup

 A new window will pop-up, paste the script below in that window 





[ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup

[ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources

xsetroot -solid grey

budgie-panel &

metacity &

gnome-flashback &

Save the script by typing Ctrl+x on your keyboard and hit y 'yes' to save

Give the script above executable permission with the command below;

chmod +x ~/.vnc/xstartup

 Now that you're done with that, we create a command that allows us to connect to an open TCP protocol, do that with the command below 

nano /usr/local/bin/startserver

 Paste the script below in the new window that comes up↓↓↓


rm -rf /run/dbus/pid

dbus-daemon --system


DISPLAY=:1 ~/.vnc/xstartup

 Save the script by typing Ctrl+x on your keyboard and hit 'y' yes to save

Now give the script executable permission with the command below;

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/startserver

 Now that you've done that, create a new session to Termux and install the packages below to install VNC and make it public via TCP protocol.

pkg install x11-repo tigervnc xorg-xhost 

Now let's create a VNC connection command and link it to a local TCP protocol↓↓↓ 

echo "vncserver -listen tcp :1 ; DISPLAY=:1 xhost +" > $PREFIX/bin/connectvnc ; chmod +x $PREFIX/bin/connectvnc

 Now start your VNC server with the command below


 Now that VNC server has been started, switch back your session to Ubuntu connect the budgie desktop to the open protocol with the command below.


Now you can launch the Nethunter Kex application and connect to the VNC server by choosing ultra connection in the VNC type and connecting to the localhost 1


Change your localhost theme and make it look more professional with the commands below ↓↓↓
rm ~/.bashrc ; cp /etc/skel/.bashrc ~

You can exit the terminal now and login again and your localhost will come out in green color 


1. Read this Article to learn how to Install Firefox On Ubuntu

2. Read this Article to learn how to fix pulseAudio sound On Ubuntu 

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