How To Install Vs Code On Android | NO Root 2023

In This Short but Informative Article, I'd guide you through the process of installing VS Code On Your Android Device, but before proceeding to read this Article, it I important to read the previous article I made on installing debian with gnome desktop on your android device, read the Article Here If you haven't.



Debian On Android

Nethunter Kex

Installation Procedures:

Login to your debian On Android, in termux and update your terminal with the command

apt update 

After Updating your terminal, launch your android browser and go to the VS Code Download page, locate the Linux download .deb package, and click on the Arm Version that matches your system's CPU Architecture. Get to know your CPU Architecture with the command below on termux 

uname -a

 After downloading the VS Code package That matches your aarch, head back to termux and create a new session, in the new session on Termux, give it storage permission if you haven't, do that with the command below.


 Now that you've done that, switch your session back to Debian and give it access to your phone's storage with the Command below.

ln -s /data/data/com.termux/files/home/storage

That command should give debian storage permission, now locate your VS Code package in the folder it was stored, in my case it's the download folder, do that with the command

cd storage/download 

Now that you're in the folder the package is stored, move it to the root folder with the mv command. Note that package name may be different due to the fact that a new package might have been released by the time you're reading this, but an example of what to do is the command below.

mv code_1.78.2-1683730415_armhf.deb ~

Now type the cd command to navigate back to the root directory. And install VS Code With the Command :

 apt install ./code_1.78.2-1683730415_armhf.deb

Note that package name may vary, the command above is just an example, make sure you copy and paste your own package name, after the apt Install ./ Command when doing this. 

After that type the command below, to edit the launch script for the VS Code Application and remove sandbox.

nano /usr/share/applications/code.desktop

Add the script --no-sandbox to the Exec command and exit with Ctrl+x, guide yourself with the video tutorial above to see how this is done.

Once all of the step below has been completed, you can find your VS Code Application in the launcher Menu, launch it just like you'd launch a normal application and you're good to go.

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