How To Turn XFCE Desktop To MacOs LookAlike Desktop Interface

Hello Everyone, welcome to my Blog, in today's Article I'm gonna write on How To Make XFCE Look Like MacOs, Below is a list of important packages and commands to have installed/use on your Linux operating system, so that this functions properly and not give any errors.


Any Linux XFCE operating system You have installed on your PC


Note that it is important to have your system updated and sudo installed on your PC, if it isn't, update your system and install sudo with the command below:
apt update -y ; apt install sudo nano -y
The main packages you need to have installed and the commands to install them are as follows:
sudo apt install xfce4 xfce4-terminal xfce4-appmenu-plugin xfce4-goodies dbus-x11 -y
If this packages are installed, then prerequisites packages that should be installed for the proper function of the themes and their commands is below;
sudo apt install git gtk2-engines-murrine rofi plank wget -y
Once all of this packages has been installed, open your Terminal and copy and paste the command below.
git clone ; cd WhiteSur-gtk-theme ; ./ ; cd ; git clone ; cd WhiteSur-icon-theme ; ./ ; cd ; git clone ; cd WhiteSur-cursors ; ./ ; cd ; git clone ; cd WhiteSur-wallpapers ; ./ ; cd ; git clone ; cd rofi ; ./ ; cd ; wget 
Other package you need to download is the file.
Once all of this has been successfully done, you can now proceed with the setup has described in the video below

Watch the video Here:

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