How To Install Android Studio On Android Using Ubuntu

Welcome back to my Blog, in today's article I'm going to show you how to install android studio on Android using Ubuntu, I made a blog article previously on how to install android studio on Kali Linux, same process is required to install android studio on Ubuntu, but the slight difference between both articles is that it requires you to download android studio tarball using your browser in the previous article, but in today's article, you don't need a browser on ubuntu to be able to operate android studio on it.



Step 1: (Download Android-studio Linux tarball)

You can download the Android studio tarball for Linux from their official website android-studio-2021.2.1.16-linux.tar.gz 

Step 2: Login to Termux And Locate the Tarball

After downloading the tarball, launch Termux and login to ubuntu, after logging in, you're going to give Ubuntu storage permission. To do so type the command
  • ln -s /data/data/com.termux/files/home/storage
Now you should have the storage folder displaying on your Ubuntu terminal.

Step 3: (Install Java on ubuntu)

Android studio requires java to function, so it is advised to install java before moving on with the installation, to install java you can use the command
  •  sudo apt install default-jdk

Step 4: connect to your desktop 

It is important to Login to your desktop and finish the rest of the product as of course, android studio requires a GUI interface to function properly. You can login to your desktop using the same method we've learnt in the previous articles

Step 5: Setup Android studio 

After logging in to your desktop interface, open your terminal and follow the processes below. To properly setup Android-studio.

Locate the Android studio Tarball on your terminal, to do so type the command
  • cd storage/downloads
Now type ls and locate the Android studio Tarball.
After locating the tarball, you're going to move it to the /opt directory, to do so type the command
  • mv android-studio-2021.2.1.16-linux.tar.gz /opt
Now navigate to the /opt directory using the command.
  • cd /opt
Now extract the Android studio Tarball using the command
  • tar -xf android-studio-2021.2.1.16-linux.tar.gz
After extraction, you can delete the android studio  tarball if you wish, to do so use the command:
  • rm android-studio-2021.2.1.16-linux.tar.gz
Now let's setup a shortcut command for android-studio. The purpose of doing this is so that we're able to access android studio from any part of the terminal by using a simple command. So let's navigate to the bin folder of android studio by using the command:
  • cd android-studio/bin
 In the bin directory we're going to create an Android-studio shortcut by using the command:
  • echo "bash /opt/android-studio/bin/" >> /bin/android-studio
now we give storage access to the newly created shortcut by using the command :
  • chmod +x /bin/android-studio

Final step: Launch Android-studio 

After you're done with all of the processes above, you can launch android studio from any directory in your terminal by using the command:
  • android-studio 
And that is it, your studio should open within seconds, download and update all necessary packages in the studio application and you can now enjoy your full Android-studio From the comfort of your Android phone😊.

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