Hello Everyone, Welcome to My Blog, In today's Article I'm going to show you how to install an hacking OS On your Android phone, Read this Article till the end and watch the video at the bottom of this Article to see how this is done in practical



Nethunter Kex Or Vnc Viewer

Installation procedures:

After installing Termux, update Termux packages and install proot-distro with the commands below↓↓↓

pkg update ; pkg install proot-distro
After installing proot-distro, we're going to edit an installation script for Kali Linux, which we're  later going to install via proot-distro, to edit the installation script, type in the command below.
nano $PREFIX/etc/proot-distro/kali.sh
A nano text editor window is going to pop-up, copy and paste the script below in that window.
# This is a default distribution plug-in.
# Do not modify this file as your changes will be overwritten on next update.
# If you want customize installation, please make a copy.

DISTRO_NAME="Kali Linux (nethunter)"
DISTRO_COMMENT="Kali Os Installation on Android (modified By Birds In Tech)."

Click on the Ctrl+x button to close save and exit the window.
Once you're done with this stage, you can now install kali linux with the command ↓↓↓
proot-distro install kali
Login to Kali Linux with the command ↓↓↓
proot-distro login kali
Note: The Command above can be used to login to Kali Linux everytime you want to login.

Alternative Login method↓↓↓

The alternate method you can use to login to Kali is by creating a shortcut login command, do that by copying and pasting the command below on your Termux terminal 
echo "proot-distro login kali" > ../usr/bin/kali ; chmod +x ../usr/bin/kali 
By entering the command above, you can now login to Kali Linux with the simple command below.
Once you're logged in, update your terminal and install the GUI package with the command below↓↓↓
apt update ; apt install xfce4 xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin gnome-terminal firefox-esr dbus-x11 kali-themes
Now that you've installed the GUI package, let's proceed to sound setup and vnc connection.

Vnc & sound set-up 

1. Vnc

Open a new session to Termux and enter the command below to install vnc and x11 with x-server ↓↓↓
pkg install x11-repo; pkg install tigervnc xorg-xhost 
Create a short-cut login command for vnc by copy-pasting the command below↓↓↓
echo "vncserver -geometry 1600x700 -listen tcp :1 ; DISPLAY=:1 xhost +" > ../usr/bin/connectvnc ; chmod +x ../usr/bin/connectvnc

2. Sound

To learn how to set pulseAudio sound on Termux, I left an article here for you.

Connecting To GUI 

Now that you've created the sound command on Termux and you've created the vnc command, activate the vnc connection with the command  ↓↓↓
And if sound is installed launch it with the command
Note: the commands "connectvnc and sound" above are to be used whenever you want to login to vnc, even after the first connection.
Now that you're done with all of the procedures above, it's time to switch your working session back to Kali, once you're logged in to kali, create a command that let's you connect to the openvnc you just created, do that with the command below. 
echo "DISPLAY=:1 xfce4-session" > /usr/local/bin/startserver ; chmod +x /usr/local/bin/startserver
If you installed sound on Termux, connect it to Kali with the command below ↓↓↓
Now connect to that openvnc you created on Termux with the command below 
Note that the command startserver above is to be used whenever you want to activate Kal Linux GUI, even after the first activation.
Now that you're done with all of the steps above, open your vnc application and connect to the localhost:1 as shown in the video.

Most Important:

Iti is very crucial that you kill your vncserver after you're done with whatever you do on Kali, kill it with the command below.
vncserver -kill :1


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