How To Install Termux GUI On Android | Termux Hacking


It is important to have the GUI version of Termux installed because there are some tools that requires GUI to function and overall, it's more of a beautiful experience to have the GUI logged in so that you can enjoy the full benefits of having a Linux OS on your Android phone just the way it is on the PC.



Nethunter Kex Or Vnc Viewer

Installation procedures:

1. Update your Termux packages, install x11-repo and the xfce4 GUI With the simple command ↓↓↓

pkg update ; pkg install x11-repo ; pkg install xfce4* xfce4-terminal tigervnc netsurf neofetch -y
2. Download the Termux wallpaper from here and move it to the background folder by using the same method I used in the video below.
3. Create a shortcut command to start the vnc server ↓↓↓
echo "vncserver -geometry 1600x700 ; env DISPLAY=:1 xfce4-session" > ../usr/bin/vnc ; chmod +x ../usr/bin/vnc
Now everytime you want to connect to your vncserver, use the command below ↓↓↓
Now launch your Vnc Application and connect to your localhost:1


Always remember to kill your vncserver when you're done working with the GUI, and it is crucial to this everytime you initiate a connection to vnc, kill vncserver with the command below ↓↓↓
vncserver -kill :1


If you have any question regarding this Article or the initial tutorials that I've uploaded, let me know in the comments section below. Happy Hacking.

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