How To Install Libreoffice On Your Android phone


Hello everyone welcome to my Blog, in today's Article I'm gonna write on how to install Libre office On An Android device, libre office is basically a Microsoft Excel lookalike Software, it does similar things with Microsoft Excel. Read this Article till then end to catch all the important details and do not forget to watch the video at the end of this Article and also, read The Article I wrote on how to install Kali Linux On Android if you haven't, because we're going to be installing libre office on Kali Linux.


1. Termux 

2. Kali On Android 

3. Nethunter Kex Or Vnc Viewer

Installation Procedures:

Login To your Kali Linux GUI and launch your Terminal and  update it, do that with the command ↓↓↓
apt update 
After that, we proceed directly to libreoffice installation, do that with the command ↓↓↓
apt install libreoffice
The storage space libreoffice is going to take during installation alone Is about 1 gigabyte of internal storage, so make sure you have enough storage space to spare for the work and also enough RAM storage to avoid system lagging. Enjoy and use your libreoffice On your Android phone, just like you would on your PC 


It is always very necessary to kill your server when you're done working, kill your vncserver on Termux with the command↓↓↓
vncserver -kill :1


Reach out to me in the comments section below if you have questions regarding this Tutorial or any other tutorial that I've made and also you can reach out to me through the follow button and also chat with me on WhatsApp, Thanks for Choosing Birds In Tech, hope you found the Article helpful,I hope to hear from you in the next one. Have a wonderful day ahead.

Watch the video here


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