How To Install Void Linux OS On Android


Hello Everyone, Welcome to My Blog, in today's Article I'm going to show you how to install void Linux OS on your Android phone using proot-distro on termux, read the article till then end and use the commands as shown below to make sure you get the right output and avoid mistakes on bothr the installation and setup process.


Installation procedures 

Update Termux packages and install proot-distro with the command ↓↓↓
pkg update ; pkg install proot-distro 
After that we're going to edit void installation script, though by default, void Linux is one of the operating systems available on proot-distro, but it's not functional so we'd have to edit another void and give it a different name, do that with the command below ↓↓↓
nano $PREFIX/etc/proot-distro/
Now paste this script in the nano page ↓↓↓
# This is a default distribution plug-in.
# Do not modify this file as your changes will be overwritten on next update.
# If you want customize installation, please make a copy.
DISTRO_NAME="Void Linux"
DISTRO_COMMENT="Void Linux Script Modified By Birds In Tech."

Type Ctrl+X button to save and exit this script 
To install void Use the command below ↓↓↓
proot-distro install void2
To login to void after installation, use the command ↓↓↓
Proot-distro login void2
Now that you're logged in to void, update your Terminal packages withe the command below ↓↓↓
xbps-install -u xbps ; sudo xbps-install -Syu ; xbps-pkgdb -u
This is how to install a working CLI version of void Linux on an Android Device.

Watch the video below:

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