Heavy Hacking Distro !! BACKBOX Linux OS On Android phone

Hello Everyone, Welcome to My Blog, in today's Article I'd be writing on how to install BackBox Linux OS On your Android phone, BackBox Os Is a penetration testing Os based on Ubuntu-Linux distribution, providing network and system analysis toolkit.


Installation procedures:

Install Termux On Your Android phone and enter the command below to ↓↓↓
  • update your packages
  • install proot-distro 
  • Install x11-repo
  • Install Tigervnc (vnc host)
  • Install x-server
pkg update ; pkg install proot-distro ; pkg install x11-repo ; pkg install tigervnc xorg-xhost 
Now that you're done with this installations, the next thing we're going to do is go to our proot-distro directory, where manual scripting of the OS installation will take place, do that with the command below 
nano $PREFIX/etc/proot-distro/backbox.sh
  • manually setup an installation script for BackBox Os by pasting the script below in the nano Page ↓↓↓
# This is a default distribution plug-in.
# Do not modify this file as your changes will be overwritten on next update.
# If you want customize installation, please make a copy.
DISTRO_COMMENT="BackBox Linux 8 (stable)."

Use the Ctrl + x command to save and close this page.
Now use the commands below to proceed to !!!
  • Proceed to BackBox Os installation and login screen.
  • Update and upgrade your terminal 
  • Install Xfce GUI
  • Install Necessary packages for the sake of the desktop experience
poot-distro install backbox ; proot-distro login backbox ; apt update && apt dist-upgrade ; apt install xfce4 xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin xfce4-terminal xfce4-appmenu-plugin git dbus-x11 -y ; cd /usr/share/backgrounds ; git clone https://github.com/birdsintech/backboxwallpaper ; cd backboxwallpaper ; unzip backboxwallpapers.zip ; cd 
Now we create a shortcut command that can be used to connect to our vnc server on Ubuntu and give it expecutable permission with the command↓↓↓
echo "DISPLAY=:1 xfce4-session" > /usr/local/bin/startserver ; chmod +x /usr/local/bin/startserver 
As soon as the above is done, open a new session to Termux and enter the commands below to.↓↓↓
  • Create a vnc connection command
echo "vncserver -geometry 1600x700 -listen tcp :1 ; DISPLAY=:1 xhost +" > ../usr/bin/connectvnc ; chmod +x ../usr/bin/connectvnc

Connecting to VNC SERVER

To connect to vncserver, type this command on termux 
After that switch to your backbox Os and type the command 
And now you can launch your vnc application and connect using your vnc password!!!

Do not hesitate to drop a comment section below or contact me if you have questions regarding this tutorial or any other tutorial that I have made earlier.

Watch the video tutorial below 

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