Ten Important Things To Do After Installing Kali Linux On Your Android Device.

Hello everyone, welcome to my Blog, in today's Article I'm gonna write on Ten (10) Things you should do After Installing Kali Linux On Your Android Device. Remember that in some of my previous Articles I wrote on How To install Kali Linux On Your Android Device, you can look up the Article In case you missed it, And if you already have it installed, then let's go on.
Before, I continue it is important that you know that updating your terminal is important as it help keeps the default packages installed on the system Up To Date, update your terminal with the short command
apt update

Number One(1): Install Git

The very First thing You should do After updating your Terminal is Installing the Git package which uses the git clone command in most Linux Operating systems,

What is Git and How Important is git to Kali Linux or Linux entirely?

git clone is primarily used to point to an existing repository and make a clone or copy of that repository in a new directory, at another location. The original repository can be located on the local filesystem or on remote machine accessible supported protocols. The git clone command copies an existing Git repository. So basically with the git package installed on your system, you can easily clone in an open sourced project from open sourced websites like GitHub. You can install the package on your Kali Linux Terminal with the simple command 
apt install git
To clone a project/repo using git , type in the git clone command followed by the link to the project e.g  
git clone https://github.com/ptitSeb/box86

Number Two(2): Install Wget.

It is important to install wget because it can be used to retrieve content and files from various web servers. Imagine Working on a project using your terminal and then, you need to download a file and you need that file to be in a specific directory for the purpose of that project you're working on, instead of launching your web browser and then having to locate the file you want to download and all of that stress, you can just easily get it in any directory of your terminal by using the wget command.It supports downloads via FTP, SFTP, HTTP, and HTTPS. Wget is created in portable C and usable on any Unix/Linux system. Install wget on your Kali Linux by using the command 
apt install wget
To use wget, you can type the command wget followed by the link to the file you want to download. e.g. 
wget https://download.blender.org/release/Blender2.47/

Number Three(3): Install A Browser 

It is necessary to install a browser on your Operating system for the sake of browsing and surfing the web, you can install Firefox Browser with the command 
apt install firefox-esr 
To use Firefox you can either launch it through the terminal by typing the command
Or Locate it in the internet option in your Applications Menu

Number four(4): Install A Media Player 

Just like the famous Windows and Apple operating systems, Kali Linux is Also An operating system, so if you ever need to listen to music or watch videos on your Operating system, just launch your Terminal And install Vlc media player to your system with the command
sudo apt install vlc
To play DVDs using Vlc you need to install the libdvdcss package, do that with the commands below.
sudo apt install libdvd-pkg
And by running the following command, which will download, build and install the latest libdvdcss source to your machine:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure libdvd-pkg
To know more about libdvdcss you can click here. To launch Vlc from the terminal, you can use the command
 Or launch it through the Media Option in the Application menu 


You cannot use Vlc media player on a root account, you're going to need a standard user account to do that, which brings us to step Number Five(5) which is 👇

Number Five(5): Add A standard user account 

User Accounts are needed because, sometimes as a new user, you don't want to mess up your Operating system while trying to figure out how the whole thing works. This is where a User account comes in, everything done on a user account is saved in a different directory that is accessible to that user and sometimes the root user only.
To create a new user account and give it all the standard permissions needed, use the format below.
adduser username ; usermod -a -G sudo username ; chsh -s/bin/bash username
You can replace the username in the command above with your own custom name.
You can login to the user account from the Kali Linux Terminal at anytime by typing the command.
su username 

Number six(6): Give internal Storage Access To Kali Linux 

It is possible that while working on Kali Linux, you might need access to your internal storage, so I decided to add this to one of this things that are Important to do after installing Kali on your Android phone, to access your internal storage on Kali Linux, you can use the simple command
ln -s /data/data/com.termux/files/home/storage
The command above gives you total storage access to your internal storage and all of the file in it.


It is important that you've given storage permission to termux itself previously, if you haven't yet, do that with the command

Number seven(7): Enable sound, using PulseAudio

It is of ultimate necessity that you install PulseAudio and set it up on your system if you're ever going to deal with anything that requires sound, like watching videos, listening to audio files e.t.c. To install PulseAudio, Head back to Termux and Follow All the instructions As Explained In This post

Number eight(8): System settings And preferences

It is a good idea that as a user of an operating system, you know how to change some basic things on that system like, the look, taskbar settings and even the Desktop settings too, though it can't be explained in theory here, but I have made a video below that explains this in practical, so check it out if you think this option is something that could be of good use to you.

Number nine(9): Fix Upgrade Not working On Kali Linux "apt upgrade"

I know that most people reading this post, would have tried updating their Kali Linux on Android Mobile And get either the dpkg error or this action is not permitted on a root account error message, the command below is gonna fix that problem for you
rm -rf /var/lib/dpkg/info/postgresql* && dpkg --configure -a

Number Ten(10): Install Python3 And Java

As An Ethical Hacker or A programmer, Having python installed on your OS is extremely important, because you'd be using it on a day to day basis, you can't escape it, while Java is a major language used in most programming softwares today, so having Borg installed on your Terminal is a good idea. Install them with the commands below 
sudo apt install python3 default-jdk
You can check the version of python installed on your terminal using the command
python3 -V
And check Java version with the command
Java -version


If youFollowed and Complete All of the things that I've shown you above, you've actually learned over 50% of what people that are new to Linux Entirely knows and with dedication and time, you'd be a good Linux user, I hope you grabbed something useful from this video, thanks for Reading.

Watch the practical video here:

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