How To Install Debian With Gnome Desktop Interface On Android

Hello Everyone, welcome to my Blog, in today's Article I'm going to write on How To Install Debian With Full Gnome Desktop On Android, Make Sure you Read this Article till the end And watch the video At the end of This Article to see And understand How This is Done In Both Theory And practical.



Vnc Application


Launch your Application And update It's Repository and install Debian At the same time with the shortcut command;

pkg update ; pkg install proot-distro ; proot-distro install debian ; echo "proot-distro login debian" >> ../usr/bin/debian ; chmod +x debian 

Now You Can login To Your Debian terminal at anytime with the shortcut command!


Now That you're logged in to your debian terminal, let's move straight forward to Install the GUI. since gnome has some packages that requires root Access to function, we're gonna install gnome-flashback and then we're going to install some packages to make the desktop look like the original gnome, you can install gnome-flashback and the packages needed with the simple command below.

apt update && apt upgrade -y ; apt install gnome-session-flashback gnome-terminal dbus-x11 neofetch firefox-esr -y ; apt install cairo-dock dconf-editor -y
The command above should install gnome-flashback and cairo-dock on your Terminal. 
The next thing we do now is create a Vnc Connection Server script on our terminal do that with the command below.
mkdir .vnc ; nano .vnc/xstartup
Copy and paste the script below in the xstartup file;

[ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup
[ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey

gnome-panel &

metacity &

gnome-flashback &

cairo-dock &
"Save the script with Ctrl+o and exit with Ctrl+x"
Give the script an execution permission with the command below;
chmod +x .vnc/xstartup 
Now we create a shortcut command to start the Gnome desktop everytime we want to use it, do that with the script below.
echo "DISPLAY=:1 dbus-launch .vnc/xstartup" >> /usr/local/bin/startserver ; chmod +x /usr/local/bin/startserver
Now that that has been done, open a new session to Termux (swipe from left to right) and install Xserver, which we will be using to connect everytime we want to. Do that with the commands below;
pkg install x11-repo -y ; pkg install tigervnc xorg-xhost -y ; vncserver -geometry 1600x700 -listen tcp :1 ; DISPLAY=:1 xhost +
Now switch back to your Kali Linux Terminal and connect to the new server we just created with the command :
Now open your Vnc Application and connect to localhost:1 and your new Gnome-Desktop should be displayed.

Other Tools used In Tutorial 

Download MacOs bigsur dock theme from here and make sure you move it to the theme folder as shown in the video below

Watch The Video Here:

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