How To install Raspberry pi Full OS On Android |BirdsInTech


Welcome to my Blog, in today's Article, I'm gonna write on how to install RaspberryPi Os On Android, though the system is built to function on only Raspberry PI but we found a way to install it on Android using a Terminal Emulator Called termux and a Linux package called proot-distro.

NOTE: this version of Raspberrypi supports 32bit devices only, if your device is 64-bit then learn how to change your termux Prefix to 32-bit by reading this article before proceeding with this installation.



Launch Termux And update your packages, you can do that with the command;
pkg update 

After update we're gonna install the Linux package that enables us run linux Os Using Our android devices, to do that, use the command.

pkg install proot-distro -y

Now let's edit the script we're going to use to install RaspberryPi, use the command;

nano $PREFIX/etc/proot-distro/

Now paste the script below in the nano editor;

# This is a default distribution plug-in.

# Do not modify this file as your changes will be overwritten on next update.

# If you want customize installation, please make a copy.




Save the script by typing Ctrl+o and Ctrl+x

Now we install RaspberryPi with the command;

proot-distro install raspberrypi

It's gonna take a while to finish installing give it time and let it do it's thing. Once the installation is complete, you can login with the command;

proot-distro login raspberrypi

And you can login to the raspberrypi user account using the command;

proot-distro login --user pi raspberrypi 

Update your RaspberryPi repository with the command;

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade 

Desktop Installation Procedures :

Install Xfce4 and it's dependencies;

sudo apt install xfce4-goodies xfce4-terminal xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin xfce4

You'd get some Gvfs and udisks2 error; fix them with the command below;

sudo apt purge gvfs-daemons gvfs;sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/udisks2.postinst;echo >> /var/lib/dpkg/info/udisks2.postinst;sudo apt-mark hold udisks2

Install A browser, Moxilla Firefox Recommended ;

sudo apt install firefox-esr 

Install dbus and Xserver;

sudo apt install xserver-xorg dbus-x11 tigervnc-standalone-server

Now open a new session to termux and install The packages below, because we will connect to vnc with them;

pkg install x11-repo

After installing x11-repo, we install vnc and Xserver on termux

pkg install  tigervnc xorg-xhost 

Connect to The local server on Termux using the command below ;

vncserver -geometry 1600x700 -listen tcp :1

Make the server  available to be connected on any localhost using the command;

DISPLAY=:1 xhost +

Now switch back to your RaspberryPi Session and connect to the termux host using the command;

DISPLAY=:1 dbus-launch xfce4-session

Now launch your preferred vnc app and connect to your RaspberryPi GUI 

Xfce Desktop Raspberrypi Os
You're going to discover that the desktop isn't quite pretty and sadly the default raspberrypi Os wallpapers didn't come with the Xfce package, so we'd have to get them manually.

I uploaded some pictures of the raspberrypi Os wallpapers on My GitHub page, You can get them on your Desktop by following the guidelines below ;

 Open  your terminal and paste in this commands and you're good to go ;

cd /usr/share/backgrounds;git clone;cd Raspberrypi-Wallpaper-;tar -xf Birdwallpapers.tar.gz;mv Birdwallpapers ..;cd ..

The command above should save the wallpaper in your background/Birdwallpapers folder, Access that folder in your Desktop settings And change Your Wallpaper.

You need to make some changes to your Taskbar too to make everything look professional, you can see how I did mine in the YouTube video I made below. After All the settings this is what your desktop should look like
Raspberrypi Xfce Desktop
Image of the Raspberrypi Xfce Desktop 

Do make sure you subscribe to our channel on YouTube, support us with your likes and comments, if there's any question you have for me, do let me know in the comments section below.

Watch the video here:

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