How To install Kali Linux Full Os On Android


Welcome To My Blog, Today's Article Is a full Tutorial On How To Install Kali Linux GUI On Android, Stick with me till the end and by the end of this Tutorial, you should be able to install kali linux On Your Android Phone And get it up And Running Including The Firefox browser.



open termux application and update your packages, you can do that on the terminal with the command

pkg update 

after updating you're going to install wget, as wget is going to be used to clone in the installation script to your terminal. install wget with the command

pkg install wget

After installing wget the next thing we do is clone in the Installation script, to do that use the command

wget -O install-nethunter-termux

After downloading the script, we're going to make some changes to the script, to do that type the command

nano install-nethunter-termux

In the script, scroll down and locate 

function set_strings() {

in the IMAGE_NAME➡️ change (full to minimal)

Do same in the SHA_NAME 

see image below for example, and also watch video to see how it's done

Kali Linux script edit

After this you can write out the script by saving the modified with the command Ctrl + o and exit with Ctrl + x 

After modifying the script the next thing we do is we give write permission to the script, you can do that with the command below.

chmod +x install-nethunter-termux

Now you can continue to install Kali Linux with the command:


Wait for the installation to be completed and login to Kali Linux with the command nh

Install Xfce And It dependencies.

The first thing you should do is to update your repository, and as most of you already know you can do that with the command:

apt update 

When promoted for a password, you can enter kali , as that is the Default password for a sudo account on Kali Linux.

After that the next thing you do us install sudo and the nano text editor, you can do that with the command:

apt install sudo nano

After updating your repository, the next thing you do is install xfce, and it's dependencies, do that with the command;

sudo apt install xfce4 xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin xfce4-terminal -y

Now we install some dependency packages

sudo apt install kali-themes kali-defaults tigervnc-standalone-server -y

After dependencies has been installed we Install dbus-x11

sudo apt install dbus-x11 

Install A browser 

Well for a smoother and easier experience it is important to have a web browser in your operating system, so we're going to install Moxilla Firefox, to install Firefox, you can use the command;
sudo apt install firefox-esr

Now that all of the processes above has been completed successfully, let us set a vnc password for our operating system, to set a password Type the command;

kex passwd

Enter a password you can easily remember and verify it, Now that your password has been updated successfully you can now connect to vnc, use the command

kex &

The command above should port your operating system to a local host server and you can now connect with any vnc app of your choice, preferably for me I use nethunter kex.

 You can Guide yourself with a practical example displayed in a video at the end of this article.

Kali Xfce Desktop

Fix Moxilla Firefox Tab Crash Error

Kali Linux Firefox Tab Crash Error
Now that you're connected to your Gui interface, you're going to realize that while trying to use your browser you going to get an error saying your tab crashed, well Follow this Procedures Below To Fix that Error.
  1. The first thing you need to do is launch your Mozilla Firefox and click the search button,and on the search bar you should type in about:config you would be prompted with a risk notification, accept the risk and continue.
  2. Now a new bar should pop up just below your search bar, in that new search bar, type media.cubeb.sandbox and change the value from. True to false.
  3. Clear the previous search in the new search bar and again search for security.sandbox.content.level and Change the value from 4 to 0.
After this, you can now close all browser tabs that has been previously Opened, relaunch the browser and all features should function perfectly. A precatical example of thid methods is displayed in the video at the end of this Article.
Kali Linux Moxilla Firefox browser


After setting up all of the functions above, you can no install your favorite tools on Kali Linux and enjoy them just as you would on your personal Laptops. Do You have a question regarding this Article or Any other Article that I have published?, Reach out to me in the comments section below 

Watch the video here:

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