How To change Termux Architecture | 64-bit to 32-bit • No Root

Change Termux Architecture
Welcome to my Blog, in this Article, I'm gonna write on how to change termux environment on 64-bit devices to 32-bit  e.g from (aarch64 to armv71) thereby allowing us to install 32-bit operating systems and softwares on our 64bit devices ,I'm writing this article beacause I recently published some Tutorials that functions only on 32bits android devices and some of the viewers requested that I make a video on how to install them on 64-bit devices, so here I am with a solution to that problem.



Termux Prefix Switcher

What is Termux Prefix Switcher?

 Termux Prefix Switcher: Allows to switch 32-bit termux environment on 64-bit devices


update your repository on Termux with the command;

pkg update 

After update, install wget, it is goiing to bee used to download the clone script into termux, install wget with the command;

pkg install wget 

After installing wget, you can now download termux -aarch-changer with the command;


After downloading it you can Change your termux architecture Prefix To 32-bit with the   command;

bash termux-aarch-change switch

And you can Always Revert your system back to 64-bit using the simple command;

bash termux-aarch-change revert


Switching to 32-bit will not install packages automatically so you have to install them again if possible

If You need more information on how the prefix changer works type the command

bash termux-aarch-change help 

That's it for this article, if you have questions do let me know in the comments section below, bye for now.

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