How to install ubuntu LXDE Desktop On Android ° No Root

Hello everyone welcome to my Blog, in this Tutorial, I'm gonna show you how to install Ubuntu with the LXDE desktop environment On your Android phone, I'm gonna take you through the Installation and setup procedures in this article so make sure you read till the end and watch the video at the end of the article to guide yourself and finally be able to do this yourself on your Android phone.



Launch your termux terminal and update Termux packages with the command
  • Pkg update
After updating termux we're going to install a Package called proot-distro, proot-distro is a Linux package Used in installing Linux distro on Android phones, to install proot-distro use the command:
  • apt install proot-distro 
Now that proot-distro is installed, you can now install Ubuntu with the command:
  • proot-distro install ubuntu 
Once ubuntu is installed, the next thing you're going to do is login. You can login to ubuntu with the command:
  • proot-distro login ubuntu 
Now we're going to update and upgrade Ubuntu repositories, you can do that with the command:
  • apt update && apt upgrade 
After the update is complete, install sudo nano. You can install sudo nano with the command: 
  • apt install sudo nano 
Now, because gvfs-daemons is held by default in the Ubuntu proot-distro's script , we're going to remove from our terminal before proceeding with the installation. You can remove gvfs-daemons by using the command:
  • apt purge gvfs-daemons gvfs-libs gvfs 
Now you can proceed with the LXDE desktop environment installation. To do that use the command
  • apt install lxde lxde-core gedit tigervnc-standalone-server -y
The installation should take a while, after the installation has been finished, we're going to install some extra packages. Install Extra packages with the command:
  • apt install qterminal dbus-x11 
Now after the above packages has been installed, the next thing we're going to do is of course, login to our Desktop interface, due to lag I usually get from the usual vncserver method, I prefer logging in using another method that I call the TCP method that I'm gonna show you in the next step.

Logging In To desktop environment using (TCP method)

Open a new terminal to Termux and update Termux packages using the command
  • pkg update 
After updating packages, the next thing you'd do is install x11-repo. You can do that with the command
  • pkg install x11-repo 
Aftet installing x11-repo, you'd install tigervnc and an X server. To do that use the command
  • pkg install tigervnc xorg-xhost 
Now launch vncserver on Termux with the command
  • vncserver -geometry 1600x700 -listen tcp :1
After launching the sever we're going to make it available for connection on any localhost server using the command
  • DISPLAY=:1 xhost +
No switch back toy your Ubuntu Linux session and connect your LXDE to the local server using the command.
DISPLAY=:1 dbus-launch lxsession
 Now launch your Vnc Application and connect to your LXDE desktop the usual way. And if you have any question, feel free to let me know in the comments section below.

Watch the video here:


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