How To Install Windows PowerShell On An Android Device Or Any Linux OS

 Welcome to my Blog, this is a brief Article On How To Install Windows PowerShell On An Android phone or Any Linux OS Of your choice.


If You use An Android phone You're Advised to have at least One Linux OS Installed On Your phone. e.g Ubuntu Debian or Kali Linux.
And for those that already have a Linux OS Installed, all you have to do is use the commands below as shown.

Installation Commands:


Add 'sudo' at the beginning of each command if you're not a root user.
The first thing to do is update your terminal, do that with the command
apt update

 After the update, it is important to install wget, wget is install with the command

apt install wget

After installing wget,Create a new folder in your home directory and name it PowerShell.

The simple command that gets that done is

mkdir powershell

 Use the cd command to navigate to that folder and then install PowerShell with the instructions below.

Head to GitHub/PowerShell and select the link of the PowerShell suitable with your system Architecture, to know your system Architecture, you can use the command

uname -m

 Now that you know your system aarch, copy the link that is suitable with your system Architecture and download it with the wget command. For example my phone is a 32-bit android device, so the command to download and extract is.

wget ; tar -xvf powershell-7.3.2-linux-arm32.tar.gz

 And if yours is 64-bit, the command to download and extract is

wget ; tar -xvf powershell-7.3.2-linux-arm64.tar.gz

 Now that this is done, you can now start PowerShell with the command


 Enjoy your PowerShell terminal, right on your Linux OS or your Android phone, following the procedures above

Video Tutorial:

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