How To Install Chromium Browser On Android

Welcome to my Blog, in this tutorial I'll show you how to install Chromium browser On Android Using Kali Linux, Read this Article till the end and follow the procedures as given and you shall have the Chromium browser on your Android phone.


Note: You must have Kali Linux installed on your phone to install Chromium, if you don't have Kali installed, read the article here:


Update your terminal with the command ;
sudo apt update 

After Updating your terminal, install Chromium browser with the command;

sudo apt install chromium

After installation is complete you can connect to GUI and edit the chromium.desktop application and fix the sandbox error, to do that open your terminal and enter the command;

nano /usr/share/applications/chromium.desktop

Type Ctrl + w and search for bin/chromium and write in the script --no-sandbox just as shown in the image below

Type Ctrl + o and Ctrl +x respectively to exit the terminal and Now you can launch your chromium browser and use it on your Android phone just like you do on your computer

Watch the video here:

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