How To Install Box86 On 32-bit Android phone Using Termux

Hello guys in this article, in going to write on how to install box86 on Android phone, this article is just a brief setup on how to install the tool, it's usage and other things will be discussed in coming articles.
NOTE: this tutorial supports 32bit devices only, if your device is 64-bit then learn how to change your termux Prefix to 32-bit by reading this article before proceeding with this Article.

What is box86?

Box86 is an emulator for x86 userspace tools on ARM Linux systems (32bit systems), allowing such systems to execute video games and other programs that have been compiled for x86 Linux systems. Box86 is an alternative to QEMU for user-mode emulation.



Box86 functions on 32-bit devices only.

Installation procedures:

Login To Ubuntu on your proot-distro and update your repository with the command:
  • apt update && apt upgrade 
 After that we're going to install some packages with the command:
  • sudo apt install git python3 gcc build-essential cmake
Now we clone in box86 to our terminal by using the command;
  • git clone
Now we change our directory into the box86 folder to build and install the tools, to do so you can follow the commands below one after the other.
  1. cd box86
  2. mkdir build
  3. cd build
  4. cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Re1WithDebinfo
  5. make
  6. sudo make install 
All of the commands above should install box86 on your Terminal, To confirm that box86 is installed, you can enter the command box86 anywhere from your terminal and you should get the results below
That is going to be all for this article, thanks for joining us on this one, if you have any questions regarding this article you can let me know in the comments section below. Bye for now.

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