parrot Os Desktop On Android No Root

hello everyone welcome to today's article, in our previous article I recall writing on a manual way of installing parrotOs on your Android phone, well in today's article, I have come with a way you can install the complete desktop environment of parrotOs on your phone without root



vnc viewer

How to install Parrot desktop

login to your parrot through the terminal and update parrot repositories by typing the command:

  • apt update 
You are advised to create a user account to do that type the command:
  • adduser username 
You'd be required to create a password for your new user account, create any 6ix digits password of your choice.
After that we install sudo nano, to do that type the command:
  • apt install sudo nano
Now we manually add that user account we just created to sudoers group, to do that type the command below
  • echo "username ALL=(ALL) ALL" >> /etc/sudoers.d/username
Now we login to that user account we just created with the command:
  • su username
And now update the repositories again with the command:
  • sudo apt update 

After that we are going to install parrot Desktop by typing the command:

  • sudo apt install parrot-desktop-mate

After the parrot Desktop has been completely installed the next thing you're going to do is open a new terminal session and in the new "terminal 2" you're going to type the command:

  • pkg update

then we install the x11-repo using the command:

  • pkg install x11-repo

the next thing you're going to do is install vncserver using the command

  • pkg install tigervnc xorg-xhost

you're going to be required to create a new password, create any 6ix digits password of your choice. After that we're going to launch vncserver using the command:

  • vncserver -geometry 1600x720 -listen tcp :1

then we disable access control using the command:

  • DISPLAY=:1 xhost +

After that switch back to your parrot session "session 1" and connect parrotOs to vncserver using the command:

  • DISPLAY=:1 mate-session

now you can launch your vnc viewer application and connect using the localhost :1

you can always disconnect using the command:

  • vncserver -geometry 1600x720 -listen tcp :1 -kill :1

 Watch the video here:


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