Install Ubuntu Xfce4 Desktop On Android Using Termux

In this tutorial I'll write on how to install Ubuntu Xfce4 On our Android phone with Termux without having root access. 
This is nothing but Ubuntu with xfce desktop environment which is one of the lightweight desktop environment. 

Prerequisite :

Installation Procedures:

First thing we do after installing Termux is we update termux packages do that with the command below 
pkg update 
Then we give Termux storage permission
After that we install proot-distro with the command 
pkg install proot-distro
Now install ubuntu on proot-distro using the command 
proot-distro install ubuntu
Login to Ubuntu with the command below 
proot-distro login ubuntu

Installing XFCE And VNC 

First thing to do is to update Ubuntu report, do that with the command below 
apt update 
Now we install essential packages using the following Command
pkg install build-essential
After that we install the wget package
pkg install wget
Install Ubuntu Xfce4 and tigervnc by executing following command
wget && bash

Running The GUI 

Start Vncserver with the command below 
Now Open VNC viewer app and connect to localhost:1 and if screen is cracking the click on 'i' button and change picture quality to high.


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