How To install parrot Os On Android Without Root

Hello friends, In in today's article I will show you how to install Parrot Os on Android without having root access.

What is parrotOs 

ParrotOs is a debian based Linux distro made for Hacking and pentesting. It can be an alternative to Kali Linux.

Prerequisite :

Installation :

The First thing we have to do is to make sure our repositories are up to date, to do that type the command
  • pkg update
it is essential to  install proot-distro and wget as we will be installing parrotOs on proot-distro for easy installation and we will be using the wget command to get the parrot file from its source 
  • pkg  install wget proot-distro
After that we need to add ParrotOs rootfs to proot-distro list, to do that follow the guidelines below 
  • nano $PREFIX/etc/proot-distro/ 

paste the following code in it

# This is a default distribution plug-in.
# Do not modify this file as your changes will be overwritten on next update.
# If you want customize installation, please make a copy.



and save the file. 
  • Type ctrl + O to save & Ctrl + x to exit

Now install ParrotOs

  • proot-distro install parrot
After installation you can always login to parrot using the command 
  • proot-distro login parrot

Here is parrotOs video Tutorial :

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