How To install Ubuntu Full Desktop On Android


hello guys welcome back to technical Birds Blog in today's tutorial I'm going to be showing you how to install the full desktop of Ubuntu on your Android device, in our previous tutorials, we discussed how to install Xfce4 desktop on Ubuntu, but we didn't go in too dip on the setup, so today I'm going to show you how you can setup the full version of Ubuntu desktop on your Android phone

NOTE : you need to watch the video at the end of this article to fully understand this article and how to use it 

prerequisites : 


vnc viewer 

How To install Ubuntu 

after installing the Termux application on your Android phone , we launch the app and first we upgrade the app repositories, to do that type the command

  • apt update && apt upgrade

as we've talked about in our previous blog tutorials, one of the best ways to install Linux distros on Termux is by using proot-distro, to install proot-distro type the command:

  • apt install proot-distro

now you install Ubuntu by typing the command :

  • proot-distro install ubuntu

once the installation is complete we login with the command:

  • proot-distro login ubuntu

make sure the version of Ubuntu you're using is (jammy jellyfish), you can confirm that by typing the Command :

  • cat /etc/os-release

after that we upgrade Ubuntu repositories with the command

  • apt update

After that we Install sudo nano, to do that type the command :
  • apt Install sudo nano

now we add a user account to our Ubuntu, to do that type the command :

  • adduser'username'  (example :- adduser bird)

NOTE :- you'd be required to enter and verify a password, make sure you enter a password you can remember

now we want to give our new account sudo permission, to do that type the command :

  • nano /etc/sudoers

paste your new user name below the root permission, and add the ALL=(ALL:ALL:ALL) at the front of it. see image below for example

type Ctrl + o to save and Ctrl + x to exit

now we login to our new user account by typing the command :

  • su username (example :- su bird)

now we proceed to the desktop Install :

  copy the commands below and paste them in your terminal :

  • sudo apt update 
  • sudo apt install udisks2
  • sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/udisks2.postinst
  • echo >> /var/lib/dpkg/info/udisks2.postinst
  • sudo apt-mark hold udisks2
  • sudo apt install xfce4 xfce4-terminal xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin
  • sudo apt install Firefox gedit vlc dbus-x11 tigervnc-standalone-server

now after all of this installations we should create a custom and easy gnu Commands for our Ubuntu to do that type the command :

  • cd /bin
  • nano vncstart

now paste this in your vncstart 

export USER=root

export HOME=/root

vncserver -geometry 1400x720 -xstartup /usr/bin/startxfce4 


  type Ctrl+o to save and Ctrl+x to exit

    now type the command

  • nano vncstop

paste this inside your vncstop

vncserver -kill :1


 type Ctrl+o to save and Ctrl+x to exit

now we give both vncstart and stop storage permission, to do that type the command:

  • chmod +x vncstart
  • chmod +x vncstop

now to Access your desktop Gui type the command :

  • vncstart 

and then launch your vnc viewer.

in the address bar paste localhost:1

in the name bar paste whatever name you wish.

     now you can edit your desktop using the video guidelines in our YouTube video below

there you're going to install themes like plank and rofi, make sure you watch the video below to see other guidelines and Commands.


you can contact me here if you need any help regarding this article.

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