How To install Debian Desktop on Android with user Access


Debian on Android with user Access

hello friends, you're welcome, in today's Article were going to take a look at how to install debain Xfce4 Gui with user Access on Android phone, without root, make sure you read this article till the end to understand how this works and you can also guide yourself with the video we made on this below

  1. What is Debian :

Prerequisites :


Vnc viewer

How To Install Debian : 

 we're going to use some basic commands to install Debian On Android And after installing it we will install debain Xfce4 Desktop then we're going to connect it to a local Host and access the Gui version through Vnc viewer

Guidance And Installation:

the first thing we're going to do is to update our Termux repositories to do that we use the command :

  • apt update && apt upgrade

After that we give storage permission to Termux :

  • termux-setup-storage (skip process if you already have storage permission)

Now we're going to install a package called proot-distro to do that type the command :

  • apt Install proot-distro

after the successful installation of proot-distro we can now proceed to the Installation of debain, to install Debian type the command :

  • proot-distro install debain

and after debain has been successfully installed, you login to debain with the command : 

  • proot-distro login debain

now we update our debain repository with the command :

  • apt update

Now you can add user on Debian by typing the command :

  •  adduser 'followed by the name you wish to use

Example : 

Adduser on debian Linux

you will be prompted to enter a password, make sure you type a password you can easily remember

Example :

Verify password example debian

the next thing we're going to do is install a sudo text editor, to do that type the command : 
  • apt Install sudo nano -y

after sudo nano has been successfully installed, we give our new account all user privilege specification, to do that, type the command : 
  • nano  /etc/sudoers

 now scroll down to the bottom of root :
and add :
  • username    ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

see example below :

Debian sudo User privilege specification

  • type (Ctrl + o) to save and (Ctrl + x) to exit.

Now we give storage permission to Debian by typing the command :
  • ln -s /data/data/com.termux/files/home/storage

After that we login to our user account by typing the command :
  • su username
Example : 

Linus root user image

now that we're logged in to our user account we update the repository by typing the command :
  • sudo apt update

Now we install dbus server by typing the command :
  • sudo apt Install dbus-x11

after that, we proceed to installing Debian xfce4, to do that copy and paste the command : 
  •  pkg install wget openssl-tool proot -y && hash -r && wget && bash

create a password when prompted and verify the password when prompted.

after Successful Installation the last thing we want to do is install Xfce4 bash file, to do that, type the command : 
  • sudo

To start your Vnc server type the command :
  • vncserver-start

To stop your Vnc server type the command :
  • vncserver-stop

after launching your vnc connection you can now launch vnc viewer and connect to your local Host 
To Connect : 
  • Address= localhost:1
  • Name= give it a name of your choice
Vnc viewer connect image

now you can now enjoy your full Debian desktop 

To  learn how to change your Debian geometry you can read the article here.


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