How To Add User Account On Any Linux distro


Hello guys, you're welcome, in today's article I'm going to show you how to add user account on any Linux distro, but as of this article, I'm using Debian(bullseye) but this method definitely works on all Linux distros, to add user follow the guidelines Below : 

The first thing we do to add user on is typing the command :

  •  adduser 'followed by the name you wish to use

Example : 

Adduser on debian Linux

you will be prompted to enter a password, make sure you type a password you can easily remember

Example :

Verify password example debian

the next thing we're going to do is install a sudo text editor, to do that type the command : 
  • apt Install sudo nano -y

after sudo nano has been successfully installed, we give our new account all user privilege specification, to do that, type the command : 
  • nano  /etc/sudoers

 now scroll down to the bottom of root :
and add :
  • username    ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

see example below :

Debian sudo User privilege specification

  • type (Ctrl + o) to save and (Ctrl + x) to exit.

Now we give storage permission to Debian by typing the command :
  • ln -s /data/data/com.termux/files/home/storage

After that we login to our user account by typing the command :
  • su username
Example : 

Linus root user image

now that we're logged in to our user account we update the repository by typing the command :
  • sudo apt update
This is how you add user account on any Linux distro.



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