How To Use Janitor AI For Free Using Kobold AI


How to use Janitor AI For Free Using Kobold Ai
Welcome To My Blog, This Article Is one written on How To Use Janitor AI For Free Using Kobold AI, it is a very short one but yet you have to pay attention to every single detail of this article so you don't miss out on any important details There is And to avoid any errors. By the end of this Article, you should have a go on how to use Janitor AI Both On your laptop And your Smartphones For Free,  This Method Is totally Free And Works At Any time of the day.

Note : 

Janitor AI Is Not For People Below The Age of 18, do not use this website if you're not at least up to 18years of age or older.

Setup Procedures :

1. Head to The Janitor AI page and create a free account, you cab create an account by default using your Google Mail account, Twitter Account or Your Discord Account, alternatively you can sign up using any preferred email address of your choice.
Janitor AI login page
2.After Sign up, login to your Account And Create a Profile, fill up the profile correctly and include every necessary information as the information you fill in affects how the characters respond to your message and who they regard you as .
The profile page for Janitor AI
3. Now you can select Any preferred Character of your choice, from the list of characters, both male and female.
4. After clicking on a specific character, Sarah Used As An example Below, you'd get an error message at the top of your screen, saying that displays API not ready! Click to setup. Click on that and it will take you to the API Settings screen.
Api not ready error Janitor AI
5.On The API Settings Screen, you'd be given Three(3) lists of API's namely,
  • Open AI
  • Kobold AI
  • Janitor AI (Beta) Still In Progress 
Kobold AI API, Janitor AI
In This List Of Options, Click on Kobold AI.
6. On The Kobold AI Settings Page, you're going To See An Empty URL box, named Kobold AI API URL., That box is our main target 🎯.
7. While Keeping The Janitor AI tab actively open, create a new tab and search for Kobol Google Lab, and wait for the search results to load up. 
Kobol Google Lab Search Bar
8. Once The Search Result is up, you'd get Two list at the top of your search result namely,
  1. ColabKobold TPU - Colaboratory
  2. ColabKobold GPU - Colaboratory
Search Result Kobol Google Lab
9. You can use any of both that you prefer as the list of options in both is almost the same, but I personally used the first one which is the ColabKobold TPU and I advice you do the same.
ColabKobold TPU Homepage view
10(i). Once The Page has loaded Up, locate the option that's writes →<-- Tap this if you play on Mobile
Tap this if you play on mobile colabKobold TPU

10(ii). Click On The Play Button icon ▶️ And you'd be prompted with a warning that says, click on Run Anyway.
10(iii). An Audio File That is 10 hours long and Takes Only 13 mb of Internet Data is going to load up. Play the Audio File.
The point of playing that Audio File, is to keep the page running in the background so that the page and the server doesn't stop running and you don't lose access to your data base while chatting with your Janitor AI chatbot.
11(i). Right under the audio file you just played, locate the category that says → <-- Select your model below and then click this to start KoboldAI, in that category, you'd get Three(3) list of options to fill, fill it up as shown below.
  1.  Model : Janeway 13B
  2. Version : United
  3. Provider : Cloudflare
Optional :Right under, You Can choose to create a backup to Google drive or not.
11(ii). Once that is done, click on the play button ▶️ at the top left of that category and the process that starts the server is going to begin. Keep the tab Active, the whole process will take about 25 minutes
Once the server is Active. You'd be provided with 4 Links.
11(iii). The Fourth link is the API link, that is the link you copy. 
Note : Copy that link and head back to your janitor AI Kobold API Settings Page, While making sure that you Keep the ColabKobold page active and running.
12(i). Paste The copied link in the KoboldAI API URL box.
12(ii). Once that is done Scroll Down And Click On Save Settings. And also click okay in the notification prompt window that pops up.
12(iii).And Now Your API Window Should Let you Know That You're Using Kobold
13. From Now On, As Long As Your colabKobold TPU Is Active, you can always chat With Your Favorite Chatbots and you can also create yours too.
Chatting with Janitor AI chatbot using Kobold AI API
Janitor AI chatbot

How To Terminate Your colabKobold TPU session 

Let's Assume You're done chatting and you want to terminate the Server, you're advised to follow the procedures below.
1.At the top menu in your screen, locate the option Runtime. Click on it.
2(i). On the List of options that pops up click on manage session.
2(ii). A new window will pop out displaying the active sessions to you.
3. Click on the delete button (trash ðŸ—‘️).
4. Finally on the prompt that pops up click on "terminate" and that should do it.

Thanks For Staying With me Till the end, Have fun conversing with your chatbot, but remember human connection is the ultimate. Have a Great Day/Night Ahead, Bird. 

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