Hello Everyone, welcome to my YouTube channel, in today's tutorial, I'd explain how you can begin your coding career using your Android phone only, I know that not having a laptop or a personal computer to work with while trying to begin coding can be a little bit of an headache as it discourages and slow down most of us and even in some cases, it kills the dream we have of becoming a programmer.
Is it possible to code on Android?
Yes it is absolutely possible to begin your coding career with your Android device, and you would be shocked with how easy it is to do so, though in previous Articles I've written, I wrote on how to install code editors like bluefish, vscode, pycharm e.t.c. and oftenly, those code editors requires a lot of RAM & Internal storage to function properly, but in this Particular Article, I'm gonna take you on a different dimension and show you how to install and setup a php code editor called Laravel.
What is Laravel?
Laravel is a free and open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern and based on Symfony. 🔻 Wikipedia
Installation procedures:
It is important to have termux installed on your Android phone, if you don't know how to install Termux you can read this Article before proceeding, After installing Termux, it is important to update your terminal, do that with the command below:
pkg update
After updating your terminal, it is important to give storage permission to your Android phone, give the permission with the command below.
NOTE: skip the process above of you've already give storage permission to Termux before
An important package to also install is php: use the command below to install it.:
apt install php
You can check the version of the php you have installed with the command:
php --version
Now we create a New Folder in our internal storage, in this Folder all our laravel projects and it's requirements will be stored there, so let us assume that you want to name the folder 'Webdev' then the command to create that folder will be:
mkdir storage/shared/Webdev
Now that you've created the folder, it is advised that you give permission to the development folder in your home directory to do that change your directory to that folder, using an example of the Webdev folder we created above, use the command below to Change your directory to that folder:
cd storage/shared/Webdev
Now type 'pwd' and copy your working directory, after that go back to your home directory with the cd command, now give the storage permission with the command:
ln -s /data/data/com.termux/files/home/storage/shared/Webdev
The command above will give you permission to the Webdev directory in your home storage.
Now let's move forward to Laravel's Installation
Change your directory the the Webdev directory using the cd command:
cd Webdev
Now that you're in the web development folder, it is important to install composer, to install composer go to composer's website here, copy the composer script and paste it in your Webdev directory on Termux.
![]() |
Download composer |
When the download is complete you should have a new file named 'composer.phar' in your folder
Now that you've installed composer, install laravel with the command:
php composer.phar create-project laravel/laravel larafile
When the download is complete a new folder called 'larafile' will be visible on your Terminal, inside that file is where all your future development projects will be carried out. Navigate to the larafile project with the cd command.
Now you can install any code editor of your choice, I recommend you use Acode, use the video below to guide yourself on how to Access the files and see practical tutorial of how to install laravel.
You can create "migrations and controllers" with the 'php artisan make:' command.
And you can host your project on a local server for life view with the command:
php artisan serve
This Article covers how To install and setup laravel, in future projects to come we will be developing a website using laravel, so make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel, stay safe and I'd see you all again soon.