How To Install Kali Linux Nethunter On Android


welcome back to my Blog, in today's article I'm gonna show you a method I believe to be the best method of installing Kali Linux on Android, Although there are various other methods of installing Kali Linux but this method I find to be the best because unlike the default method uploaded by nethunter Kali themselves you have the choice to install any GUI version yourself and avoid some default bug risks




open termux application and update your packages, you can do that on the terminal with the command

pkg update 

after updating you're going to install wget, as wget is going to be used to clone in the installation script to your terminal. install wget with the command

pkg install wget

After installing wget the next thing we do is clone in the Installation script, to do that use the command

wget -O install-nethunter-termux

After downloading the script, we're going to make some changes to the script, to do that type the command

nano install-nethunter-termux

In the script, scroll down and locate 

function set_strings() {

in the IMAGE_NAME➡️ change (full to minimal)

Do same in the SHA_NAME 

see image below for example, and also watch video to see how it's done

Modifying Kali Linux Installation script 

After this you can write out the script by saving the modified with the command Ctrl + o and exit with Ctrl + x 

After modifying the script the next thing we do is we give write permission to the script, you can do that with the command below.

chmod +x install-nethunter-termux

Now you can continue to install Kali Linux with the command:


Wait for the installation to be completed and login to Kali Linux with the command nh

update your kali repository with the command

sudo apt update

 you're good to go, I'm going to write a Tutorial on the GUI version soon, until then stay tuned and do not forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

watch the video here:

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