How To Install Ubuntu 22.10 (Kinetic kudu) On Android via proot-distro | No Root

Hello friends, In in today's article I will show you how to install Ubuntu 22.10 (kinetic kudu) on Android without having root access.

What is Ubuntu 

Ubuntu is a Linux distribution based on Debian and composed mostly of free and open-source software. Ubuntu is officially released in three editions: Desktop, Server, and Core for Internet of things devices and robots.

Prerequisite :

Installation :

The First thing we have to do is to make sure our repositories are up to date, to do that type the command
  • pkg update
it is essential to  install proot-distro and wget as we will be installing Ubuntu (kinetic) on proot-distro for easy installation and we will be using the wget command to get the parrot file from its source 
  • pkg  install wget proot-distro
After that we need to add Ubuntu rootfs to proot-distro list, to do that follow the guidelines below 
  • nano $PREFIX/etc/proot-distro/

paste the following code in it

# This is a default distribution plug-in.
# Do not modify this file as your changes will be>
# If you want customize installation, please make>
DISTRO_NAME="Ubuntu (kinetic)"

TARBALL_URL['aarch64']=" "

distro_setup() {
        # Don't update gvfs-daemons and udisks2
        run_proot_cmd apt-mark hold gvfs-daemons udisks2

Save wit Ctrl+o and exit with Ctrl+x
The next thing we're going to do is install ubuntu-kinetic, to do that type or copy and paste the command:
  • proot-distro install ubuntu-kinetic
You won't be able to use it after installation because by default, the proot-distro rootfs folder is not correctly configured, so we manually configure the file, to do that follow the steps below:
  • cd ../usr/var/lib/proot-distro/installed-rootfs/
Now we remove the default ubuntu-kinetic file with the command:
  • rm -rf ubuntu-kinetic
Then we manually create another Ubuntu-kinetic folder, to do that use the command:
  • mkdir ubuntu-kinetic
Now we navigate to the folder that saves the distro tarballs, to do that type the command:
  • cd ../dlcache/
Now we extract the rootfs file manually to the ubuntu -kinetic folder we created earlier, to do that type the command:
  • proot --link2symlink tar -xzf ubuntufilename.tar.gz -C ../installed-rootfs/ubuntu-kinetic/ --exclude='dev'||:

Example :

32-bits system:
proot --link2symlink tar -xzf ubuntu-kinetic-core-cloudimg-armhf-root.tar.gz -C ../installed-rootfs/ubuntu-kinetic/ --exclude='dev'||:

64-bits system 

proot --link2symlink tar -xzf ubuntu-kinetic-core-cloudimg-arm64-root.tar.gz -C ../installed-rootfs/ubuntu-kinetic/ --exclude='dev'||:

After this, you can now successfully login to your ubuntu-kinetic with the command:
  • proot-distro login ubuntu-kinetic
Now before updating the ubuntu repository we need to setup the default google DNS server on ubuntu, to do that, type the command below:
  • echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
Now, you can update Ubuntu repository with the command
  • apt update 
And now you can proceed to using ubuntu-kinetic on proot-distro as usual.

Watch the video below 

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